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商贸| 金达进出口画册物料设计

作者:admin | 时间:2019-10-31 09:48:06

Our Mission: Trustworthy, Professional service, reliable quality which makes you get a great return on your purchasing
Profile: Established in 1993, Shanghai Jinda Import & Export Corporation ((ISO 9001-2008 Certified) is a key supplier in the area of:
Traffic Products
Fencing System
Safety & Security Products
Road Painting & Reflecting Products
Industrial Material
Bonded Warehouse Service
Our unique design and outstanding customer service have gained usfine commercial reputationsin the areas.We will continue to be in touch with newly fresh ideas and products to satisfiy our clients’ need today and tomorrow.金達進出口畫(huà)冊封面設計(jì)
